Nattrassia mangiferae


Hyphal elements of Nattrassia mangiferae
in tissue, GMS stain, 230 X.

Scytalidium dimidiatum arthroconidial synanamorph of Nattrassia mangiferae,
PFA slide culture, 25°C, 6 days, 920 X.

The edge of a multilocular pycnidium of Nattrassia mangiferae demonstrating
two ostioles and immature conidia,
PFA tease mount, 25°C, 10 weeks, 230 X.

Mature, versicolored conidia of Nattrassia mangiferae,
PFA tease mount, 25°C, 12 weeks, 920 X.

Photographs obtained from: DA Sutton, Coelomycetous fungi in human disease. A review: Clinical entities, pathogenesis, identification and therapy.
Rev Iberoam Micol 1999; 16: 171-179.